Antonia, the Horse Whisperer Read online

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  “We could bury the horse poop in the garden. That would be good fertilizer for Mama’s lettuce and for the flowers. Every stinking piece of horse poop would grow into a fat, fragrant blossom.”

  “And so that Elfin Dance would have air and light we’d open the door to the garden at the back of the garage.”

  “All of a sudden a horse would be in the garden. Papa would stare in amazement and call the fire department, and Jonathan would say, all laid-back, ‘Hey, there’s a horse in the garden. Does anybody recognize him?’” That made them both laugh so loudly that John and Felix looked over at them with quizzical expressions.

  Then Antonia became serious again.

  “Yes, that would be lovely. I just think that Papa has enough on his plate. A kidnapped horse would be the last thing he’d need.”

  “Look, here come the reinforcements!” shouted Leona as they saw Mr. Sonnenfeld and Mr. Hegemann enter Mr. Rosenburg’s office. Mr. Hegemann was a well-known show jumper who had a big stable in the neighborhood and many times he had trained on the Rosenburg Farm or had a horse trained there. Papa had dreamed about collaborating with Mr. Hegemann for a long time, but it had remained only a dream.

  “Maybe the horses are going to Hegemann’s,” Leona guessed.

  “Don’t be silly. Mr. Bonhumeur wants to take them back to France,” Antonia said worriedly. She sighed. What did Mr. Bonhumeur intend to do with the horses? He had spoken of a plan. Was it something good or not? He had been so unfriendly when they first met.

  Still, at the end of the day, he had become conciliatory and had even praised her for her ability to calm Elfin Dance. Antonia didn’t know what to think any more. No, Mr. Bonhumeur would not leave Elfin Dance with them. In the end, she was just a little country bumpkin to him, nothing more.

  Leona put her arm around Antonia. “Look, now we’ll finally know more for sure . . .”

  The office door opened; then closed again. Nothing happened. The door stayed shut for quite a while.

  “Geez, how long are they going to keep sitting in there?” groaned Antonia three hours later. Was it so difficult to convince Mr. Bonhumeur that it had been necessary to break the contract because Mr. Sonnenfeld had injured his foot and that Elfin Dance had accepted only her to care for him? Or did Mr. Bonhumeur have big plans for them? He had mentioned both Antonia and his daughter, right? No, no. Antonia couldn’t even entertain the thought of keeping Elfin Dance on the farm.

  Then, suddenly, Maria came out of the office and asked Antonia about her riding qualification level. She also wanted to know exactly which awards, big and little, Antonia had already won in competitions.

  “Even the ones when I was a little kid?” Antonia was just trying to be funny.

  “Maybe, so that they can see you’re a natural.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “No, you are. But the last ones are the most important.”

  “What do you need them for?”

  Maria gave her no answer.

  So Antonia listed her awards, and Maria just nodded. Evidently she already had everything on her slip of paper. After that she scurried back into the office.

  A little while later, the office door opened, and Antonia tried to tell from all their faces what direction the discussion had taken.

  Maria had barely laid eyes on Antonia when she rushed over to her, took her in her arms, and whispered in her ear, “Everything is absolutely marvelous! Merveilleuse.” She laughed.

  What was that supposed to mean? That Mr. Bonhumeur wouldn’t take his horses back to France?

  Antonia looked at all of them and yelled impatiently, “Don’t keep us in suspense! Is Elfin Dance staying here for a while?”

  Mr. Bonhumeur smiled and said, “My dear girl, Antonia, I would be very pleased eef you would take care of Elfin Dance. Cascara weel go to my daughter Juliette. You two weel get to know each ozzer, I promise. Per’aps one time or anozzer, you can train togezzer during zuh next vacation. You boz have talent, real talent.”

  Antonia couldn’t believe her ears. What had Mr. Bonhumeur just said?

  Then Papa repeated it. “You heard right, Antonia. Mr. Bonhumeur is leaving Elfin Dance and Asseem here. He’s extending the contract under the condition that you care for and ride Elfin Dance, and that Mr. Hegemann gives you a lesson once a week from now on. Mr. Hegemann agreed immediately. Mr. Sonnenfeld, along with Caroline, will take care of Asseem and will also take on the rest of your riding lessons. What do you think?”

  What did she think? To be trained by Hegemann? She couldn’t believe it.

  First she threw her arms around her father’s neck. Then she gave Mr. Bonhumeur a big kiss on the cheek, and finally she ran with Leona to the stable to Elfin Dance and Snow White. They had to hear the news too. Snow White snorted contentedly and watched Antonia and Elfin Dance.

  Elfin Dance shook his head, as though he had to let the news sink in first. Finally he nodded. Obviously everything had gone according to his plan.

  “You’re staying here, and we’ll both get training. The best training in the world, from a famous show jumper. Imagine that!” Antonia pressed her head against Elfin Dance’s neck. Slowly she began to understand what it all meant, for her, for the farm, and for her whole family.

  Then Maria entered with Mr. Bonhumeur.

  She stood up proudly in front of Antonia. “Now our Antonia will become a wonderful rider and jumper.” At that moment, Elfin Dance reared and whinnied loudly—a whoop of delight!

  “’Ee ees glad,” said Mr. Bonhumeur. “’Ee feels comfortable weez Antonia. And zuh two of zem weell win many prizes. Elfin Dance and Antonia, zuh ’orse whisperer.”